Thursday, 12 February 2015

Good intentions

I will have to admit, I started out strong but I have not followed through with promoting Displate daily as I intended. I must up my game it sales are to follow. Here are some new additions to my galley.

This design is for those loving Mums who support their rebellious children. A sewing machine crafting a Anarchy banner. This was inspired by a friends mum who knitted him a slayer jersey when we were kids. The sewing machine is drawn in reto yellow and clay colours

    The 5 eyes are watching you. The 5 eyes is a shady spying agreement between USA, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Australia. Spy agencies and spy bases in these countries co-operate with each other, share information and spy, spy spy (I actually have no idea what they do, and that is the point of this design). This image features the face of a 5 shady men, their faces frame the flags of the above mentioned countries.

      Tank Parachute. A design inspired by freedom of individuality. A series of tanks dropping from the sky attached to parachutes. The tanks a all military drab greens as are the parachutes. However the tank at front, center has got a pink, spotted parachute.

        A design for those who are slaves to their televisions. If you are ready to live your life to the fullest it may be time to cut the cord. This retro style black and white T.V. has been drawn with its power cord cut and the word FREEDOM written across the screen. This could also be viewed as a political statement about freedom of information and the reliability (or lack there of) of modern news media.

        Monday, 9 February 2015

        Tee public

         Come join me

        I have just joined up with tee public it looks like a good place to sell my t-shirt designs. You get a healthy $4 per shirt. Come join me. More designers = more traffic and that is good for everyone!

        Plugging away

        I have loaded a few more artworks onto Displate. I am still learning the ropes. I have been very slack on promoting and have found their automated checking of images trouble some. If you try and add two or more images that are similar, the system rejects all but one. This has set me back with 3 designs being rejected recently. My items where in my opinion quite different. I will try to up load the rejected ones in coming weeks and see how they fair.

        No sales yet, but that is to be expected with such small number of designs, and limited promotion. I will get cracking again in earnest tomorrow.